Where have I been? Where have you been more like!
Actually thats not strictly fair. Because in all honesty I dunno if a 'you' even exists to read a 'me'... Im just flattering myself that someone might be out there nosing on this site. Anyway there are several reasons I havent written this crap weathered May, all of them boring. But mainly Ive had my arse kicked by Flu last week and did the whole 'sofa mermaid' thing surrounded by kleenex & duvet covers.
Living with two blokes means you dont quite get the health service you come to expect from, say, your mum. Chris S came home and tried to cheer me up by showing me his new air gun (the last one had been confiscated from him by the police for shooting at students- which he denines.. kind of). We had a few shots with that through the living room window...
James offered lots of hot drinks that I couldnt face so he went to the shop and got me some 'surprises' which ended up being
a deck of cards
a Kinder Surprise chocolate egg
some rubber caps for the air valves on my car tyres
a block of cheese
All very unique. Bizarre but unique.
Ah Ive ran out of time. Catch you later :)
Living with two blokes means you dont quite get the health service you come to expect from, say, your mum. Chris S came home and tried to cheer me up by showing me his new air gun (the last one had been confiscated from him by the police for shooting at students- which he denines.. kind of). We had a few shots with that through the living room window...
James offered lots of hot drinks that I couldnt face so he went to the shop and got me some 'surprises' which ended up being
a deck of cards
a Kinder Surprise chocolate egg
some rubber caps for the air valves on my car tyres
a block of cheese
All very unique. Bizarre but unique.
Ah Ive ran out of time. Catch you later :)