Alright there ace girl?

Monday, December 05, 2005

Over the Edge then under the Waters

So I did the Nevis... bit of a bench mark in my life that one. I watch the dvd of it the other day and I goggled at the girl (me) standing in a crane hanging over a canyon with a drop higher than the Sydney harbor Bridge...arrrghh hahahahahaha! I spent like 10 minutes in this painful 'will she wont she?' predicament and then
I'm over.
2 seconds of blankness and then I'm screaming for joy! It was so good I cant express. The ground rush, the speed, the weightlessness at the top of the recoil! I was terrified. I loved it, and I'd do it again. Funny side story...

Whilst I was in the 'dentist's chair' getting my legs strapped in Sam had just jumped and was being hoisted back up into the crane. All the guys who had done it saw him back in safely and were whooping and hollering. Sam high fived Neil, then Alex, Steve, Lee etc. Rob Fox held his hand up just in time for Sam to turn his back on him by accident. Rob yells 'don't leave me hanging Bro' (Bro being the Maori preference to 'mate')and Sams so excited he doesn't hear. Rob quietly lowers his had and starts rubbing the chrome hand rail near him hoping no one will see... And no one does except for Neil who is crying from laughing so hard.....

'Mo-vember' was actually won by Aaron aka Magic Man and that night was a bit silly, a few of the blokes had creatively shaved heads to go with the nasty 'tashes, Neil donned a pair of fairies wings... a few people got kicked out of bars (Herman).

On the sunday 14 of us hired a van and car to get us all down to Milford Sound, reputedly one of the most beautiful spots in all of New Zealand. I can totally see why too. A four hour drive there (and this was a day trip) and it rained all the way so we didnt have very high expections. Just played the Rizla game and ate crisps having a laugh. Then The Goo Goo Dolls song 'Iris' played and theres a line in it that goes something like 'and I dont think I want to go home'. Everyone was silent for a second and then Alex was like 'fuck this is really sad' and it was.

Then we get there and the heavens break, the sun comes out and well, the scenery could really make you believe in God...

We got on the ferry and it took us past steep green mountains and hills and water falls right to the opening of the South Pacific...again and again the old 'Lord of the Rings' comparison raisies its head. Some of New Zealand is beautiful but with the weather we got, Milford Sound looked like it had been dreamed. Then we got off at an underwater observatory so we could look at all of the unique sea life in the wild. After this it was time to head back. We stopped for a group meal and then it was home by 11pm. It wasnt all poignant though. We listened to enough Queen, and Rich managed to play all of Bon Jovi too but you cant win'em all. It was a really top day.

Queenstown was a sad one because this is where people start to split. Goodbyes to the Danish and Team Sweden, and a pissed Lee who was wandering around looking for his new bus at 8am confused but insisiting he was still a 'Legend' and Sophie though I'll be seeing you soon my girl dont you worry!
Then a slightly depleted crowd onto Christchurch where the majority would fly from. Even the Baywatch tune didnt cheer anyone up as it was the last trip with Ginny who'd put up with everyone. As a stop over Christchurch was nice but not much to report. Goodbyes to Emma, Rich & Rob, and Charlotte & Neil... we did have a lairy one and a SMASHING curry- if anyone is ever in Christchurch then the best curry outside Bradford is in the curry house beneath Basebackpackers..mmmmm

Onto Kiakoura then...
We stayed at a really nice chilled place called Topspot that had warm fires and a comfy tv room, big kitchen for cooking and everyone (that was left)just hung out. It had to be an early one because we were booked in to SWIM WITH THE DOLPHINS at 5.30am. It had been cancelled the day before due to rough weather but we got the all clear and again it was ammmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaazing!!! There were hundereds of them, some with babies, whizzing and skimming by me at such a speed that it shit me up a bit. If one of them hit you you'd know about it. These Dusky dolphins are smaller than the bottle nosed ones but you could look them right in the eye as they shot passed. It was James' 20th birthday (ahh not the teenage dirtbag anymore sunshine, now just a dirtbag) and what a way to start being 20. He buggered off to see the Foo Fighters in Wellington that night too- stylin it or what?

Anyway after we do about 3 swims with them they tell us thats our lot, so we get out, get dry, take loadsa pics and have hot chocolate and ginger bics. Fab fab fab. Then from a high to a low in that we have to say goodbye to half of Team Gentlemen Alex & Steve... Steve keep jumping down the stairs in the search for the extreme, hope your 'man cold' gets better ;) and Alex, keep smiling the child model smiles, we know where you learnt them now hehehe... see you one day soonish. Now to start repeating myself as we headed back to Taupo.


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