Someone killed them on Porpoise...

So we were strolling along a beach on the Northeast coast when we see the poor dead porpoise.
'Is that a black n white dolphin?' [we asked each other]
'I think you will find its a porpoise' [said a knowledgeble passer by]
'Is it plastic or real?' [we asked]
'Oh its real alright' [passer by waggles porpoises fin]
'Im going to take a picture of it' [I said]
Que much amusment from fellow friends who thought this a sick idea. In fact every dead thing we came across on that bloody break had my mates going 'go on Les, take a picture' and sniggering like they were total stand up or something.
Anyhooo I gets back to work and proudly showed my colleagues my shiny new camera, with my holiday pictures, and the picture of the dead porpoise- and most people were rather impressed you know. Then I sat at my desk and started to work through the news stories where I then I came across a story in the Calendar East newslist called, funnily enough, 'Porpoise'.
It said:
A criminal investigation is underway after a number of porpoises were found deliberately killed on the east coast. Its believed up to 30 of the mammals have either been shot or bludgeoned to death over the past few weeks. Most of them have been found along a 300 yard stretch of beach near the village of Barmston. Porpoises are protected under the 1981 wildlife act. Anyone convicted of harming one could face six months in jail.
So they used my picuters on the news.
And that is the story of how I became a super-sleuth-mcintrye-investigates photographer, or even like Rocket from 'City of God' but without the Brazilian drug lords. I even got £125 for the picture off photo agency Ross Parry so nur...
The End.
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